miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011


Entrada final de Blog: Reflexión
Escribe una entrada final donde reflexiones sobre los aspectos de tu curso que te ayudaron a caminar esta aventura con éxito. incluye los siguientes aspectos:
1. Clases en el salón y clases en el laboratorio:
 Fueron my productivas
2. Materiales: presentaciones PPP, diccionarios, teléfono, computadoras:
Aprendi a buscar información en internet, insertar imagen, crear un blog, utilizar diccionario en ingles.3. Compañeros de clase
:Mantuvimos muy buenas relaciones, nos apoyamos durante todo el .curso, compartimos información.
4. Uso del blog como cuaderno digital:
Me pareció excelente herramienta y lo voy a utilizar como herramienta de trabajo con mis alumnos en LUZ.5. ¿puedes enfrentar un texto en ingles sin miedo?
Claro que si
6. ¿vas a continuar leyendo textos en ingles?
Claro que si, para buscar textos escritos en ingles para desarrollar mi investigación.
7. ¿que sugieres para los próximos cursos?
Que cuenten con una excelente profesora  como la teacher Doris molero
Que el participante tenga opción de realizar el curso por la web
Que tomen todas las previsiones necesarias para realizar el curso sin contratiempo.

Ha sido un placer el poder haberlos acompañados en esta aventura de leer textos en ingles. Sigan Brillando Amor y Paz.
Teacher, que dios la bendiga , le de mucha salud, tolerancia, paciencia para seguir adelante. Estoy muy agradecida.

Unidad IV

Unidad  4

Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

<!--[if !supportLists]-->A.   <!--[endif]-->Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia. Lea el texto y extraiga:

 Learning disability (LD, sometimes called a learning disorder or learning difficulty) is a classification including several disorders in which a person has difficulty learning in a typical manner, usually caused by an unknown factor or factors. The unknown factor is the disorder that affects the brain's ability to receive and process information. This disorder can make it problematic for a person to learn as quickly or in the same way as someone who is not affected by a learning disability. People with a learning disability have trouble performing specific types of skills or completing tasks if left to figure things out by themselves or if taught in conventional ways.

Some forms of learning disability are incurable.[citation needed] However, with appropriate cognitive/academic interventions, many can be overcome.[citation needed] Individuals with learning disabilities can face unique challenges that are often pervasive throughout the lifespan. Depending on the type and severity of the disability, interventions may be used to help the individual learn strategies that will foster future success. Some interventions can be quite simplistic, while others are intricate and complex. Teachers and parents will be a part of the intervention in terms of how they aid the individual in successfully completing different tasks. School psychologists quite often help to design the intervention, and coordinate the execution of the intervention with teachers and parents. Social support can be a crucial component for students with learning disabilities in the school system, and should not be overlooked in the intervention plan. With the right support and intervention, people with learning disabilities can succeed in school and go on to be successful later in life.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->Las definiciones:

 Learning disability (LD, sometimes called a learning disorder or learning difficulty) is a classification including several disorders in which a person has difficulty learning in a typical manner, usually caused by an unknown factor or factors.

 The unknown factor is the disorder that affects the brain's ability to receive and process information.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->y los marcadores de definición.

Is a classification
The unknown factor is

B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga las palabras de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

Marcadores de Tiempo: Biography

Piaget was born in 1896 in Neuchâtel, in the Francophone region of Switzerland. His father, Arthur Piaget, was a professor of medieval literature at the University of Neuchâtel. Piaget was a precocious child who developed an interest in biology and the natural world. He was educated at the University of Neuchâtel, and studied briefly at the University of Zürich. During this time, he published two philosophical papers that showed the direction of his thinking at the time, but which he later dismissed as adolescent thought.[3] His interest in psychoanalysis, at the time a burgeoning strain of psychology, can also be dated to this period. Piaget moved from Switzerland to Paris, France after his graduation and he taught at the Grange-Aux-Belles Street School for Boys in the marking of Binet's intelligence tests. . The school was run by Alfred Binet, the developer of the Binet intelligence test, and Piaget assisted It was while he was helping to mark some of these tests that Piaget noticed that young children consistently gave wrong answers to certain questions. Piaget did not focus so much on the fact of the children's answers being wrong, but that young children consistently made types of mistakes that older children and adults did not. This led him to the theory that young children's cognitive processes are inherently different from those of adults. Ultimately, he was to propose a global theory of cognitive developmental stages in which individuals exhibit certain common patterns of cognition in each period of development. In 1921, Piaget returned to Switzerland as director of the Rousseau Institute in Geneva.
In 1923, he married Valentine Châtenay; together, the couple had three children, whom Piaget studied from infancy. In 1929, Jean Piaget accepted the post of Director of the International Bureau of Education and remained the head of this international organization until 1968. Every year, he drafted his “Director's Speeches” for the IBE Council and for the International Conference on Public Education in which he explicitly addressed his educational credo.
In 1964, Piaget was invited to serve as chief consultant at two conferences at Cornell University (March 11–13) and University of California, Berkeley (March 16–18). The conferences addressed the relationship of cognitive studies and curriculum development and strived to conceive implications of recent investigations of children's cognitive development for curricula.[4]
In 1979 he was awarded the Balzan Prize for Social and Political Sciences.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->v  <!--[endif]-->Marcadores de tiempo:

In 1896, at the time, later, during this time, he later, in 1921, in 1923, in 1929, until 1968, every year, in 1964, march 11-13, march 16-18, in 1979, Ultimately

Idea general del párrafo:

Se trata de la biografia de Jean Piaget,  en ella se reseña su nacimiento, vida y obras.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Tarea de la unidad # 3

Tarea de la Unidad # 3

1.- Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen. Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.

Parenting Children with Learning Disabilities


If your child has been diagnosed with a learning disability, you may immediately begin thinking about school — homework, tests, projects — and wondering how your kid will get through. How can you make sure your child has the best chance to reach his or her full potential? If you slow down for a moment, you may realize that while academic success is important, what you really want for your child is a happy and fulfilling life. Your influence on your child outweighs that of any teacher, tutor, therapist or counselor. If your child has a learning disability, your love, encouragement, and support can make all the difference, helping him or her emerge with a strong sense of self-confidence and the determination to succeed.

2.- De acuerdo al título y la imagen: ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?

Se trata de niños con problemas de aprendizaje
3.- Luego lea el texto
a.- ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
Trata sobre algunos consejos para ayudar a su hijo con discapacidad de aprendizaje; el amor, aliento y apoyo puede marcar la diferencia, ayudándole a salir con un fuerte sentido de la autoconfianza y la determinación para tener éxito.
b.- ¿Que palabras se repiten?
Child, learning, disability
 c.- ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Proyect, potential, moment, important, difference, immediately

 d.- ¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?

Parenting Children with Learning Disabilities

e.- ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
El primer y segundo párrafo tratan sobre consejos para ayudar  a su hijo diagnosticado con discapacidad de aprendizaje; usted puede inmediatamente empezar a pensar en la escuela, las tareas, exámenes, proyectos y preguntándose como su hijo va a pasar; el amor, aliento y apoyo puede marcar la diferencia, ayudándole a salir con un fuerte sentido de la autoconfianza y la determinación para tener éxito.
 4.- Seleccione un texto y escribe 4 preguntas puntuales sobre fechas, sitios etc. (utiliza una biografía referente a algún autor de tu área de  experticia)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Biography

 Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Geneva, Switzerland, 28 June 1712 – Ermenonville, France, 2 July 1778) was in writer, philosopher and musician defined as an illustrated, a regret of deep contradictions that separated it from the main representatives of the enlightenment.
The ideas of Rousseau influenced policies to a great extent in the French Revolution, the development of Republican theories and the growth of nationalism. His legacy of radical thinker and revolutionary this probably best expressed in his more two famous phrases, one contained in the social contract: "man is born free, but on all sides this chained», La Otra, contained in his Emilio, or education: 'man is good by nature', from there her idea of the possibility of an education.

¿ Cuando nació Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
R= He was born the 28 de june1712 in Geneva,
¿ cuando murió Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
R= Died 02 july 1778  Ermenonville, France
¿ Ocupaciones?
R= was in writer, philosopher and musician
¿ Frases mas celebres de Jean-Jacques Rousseau?

 two famous phrases, one contained in the social contract: "man is born free, but on all sides this chained», La Otra, contained in his Emilio, or education: 'man is good by nature', from there her idea of the possibility of an education.

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Taller Unidad I y II

Nature of the Work About this section
Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people's lives. Social workers assist people by helping them cope with and solve

issues in their everyday lives, such as family and personal problems and dealing with relationships. Some social workers help clients who face a disability,

life-threatening disease, social problem, such as inadequate housing, unemployment, or substance abuse. Social workers also assist families that have serious

domestic conflicts, sometimes involving child or spousal abuse. Additionally, they may conduct research, advocate for improved services, or become involved

in planning or policy development. Many social workers specialize in serving a particular population or working in a specific setting. In all settings, these

workers may also be called licensed clinical social workers, if they hold the appropriate State mandated license.

Child, family, and school social workers provide social services and assistance to improve the social and psychological functioning of children and their

families. Workers in this field assess their client’s needs and offer assistance to improve their situation. This often includes coordinating available

services to assist a child or family. They may assist single parents in finding day care, arrange adoptions, or help find foster homes for neglected,

abandoned, or abused children. These workers may specialize in working with a particular problem, population or setting, such as child protective services,

adoption, homelessness, domestic violence, or foster care.

In schools, social workers often serve as the link between students' families and the school, working with parents, guardians, teachers, and other school

officials to ensure that students reach their academic and personal potential. They also assist students in dealing with stress or emotional problems. Many

school social workers work directly with children with disabilities and their families. In addition, they address problems such as misbehavior, truancy,

teenage pregnancy, and drug and alcohol problems and advise teachers on how to cope with difficult students. School social workers may teach workshops to

entire classes on topics like conflict resolution.

improve: perfeccionar(v.t)

planning:Planificando (S )(f)

development:desarrollo (s) (m)

Las tres palabras son de contenido

2.- Idea Principal:

 El Trabajo Social es una Profesion que ayuda a mejor la vida de la gente.Ayudandolos a solucionar problemas de la

vida diaria, familiar, personal y a ocuparse de las relaciones. Los Trabajadores Sociales  tambien asisten a

famiilias en conflictos domesticos, niños con abuso.

3.- Categorias Lexicales:

 Palabras de Contenido: Improve,work

 Palabras de funcion: or, by

 Verbos: is,have

 Advervio:directly, Additionally


 Conjuciones:and, or

 Adjetivo: social,also

 Preposiciones: of.as

 Cognados Verdaderos:family, problems

 Cognados Falsos:personal,workshops

 Sufijos: directly, Additionally

 Prefijos:inadequate, disability

 B. Estructura de la oracion:

 1. Seleccione dos oraciones de un texto relacionado con su experticia. (Incluya referencia)

   a.- Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people's lives
   b.- Many social workers specialize in serving a particular population or working in a specific setting

   a.- Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people's lives:

     Frase nominal:Social work

     Nucleo de la frase nominal: work

     Pre modificadores: social

     Post modificadores: no posee

     Frase verbal: is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people's lives

     Nucleo de la frase verbal:is

     Tiempo verbal:is, presente

   b.- Many social workers specialize in serving a particular population or working in a specific setting

     Frase nominal: Many social workers specialize in serving a particular population or

     Nucleo de la frase nominal: workers

     Pre modificadores: Many social

     Post modificadores: specialize in serving a particular population or working in a specific setting

     Frase verbal: specialize in serving a particular population or working in a specific setting

     Nucleo de la frase verbal:specialize

     Tiempo verbal:presente

    2. señales algunos referentes presentes en el texto:

     Pronombres demostrativos: they, this,that,these,who
     Conetores: and

Ejercicio 2

Social work
El social work it is defined according to Federation the International of Social Workers and the Association the International of Schools of Trabajo Social (IASSW)as “the profession of social work promotes the change of articles of incorporation, the resolution of problems in the human relations and the fortification and the liberation of the town to increase the well-being. By means of the social use of theories on human behavior and systems, the social work takes part in the points in which the people interact with their surroundings. The principles of the Human rights and Social Justice are fundamental for the Social Work ".
The marginal work in its different expressions goes to the manifold and complex relations between the people and their atmospheres. Its mission is to facilitate that all the people develop their potentialities totally, enrich their lives and prevent the disfunciones. For that reason, and the professionals in social work, become agents of change in the society and the life of the people, families and communities for which work. The social work is a system integrated and dynamic of interrelated values, theory and practice.3
Idea Principal del texto:
El trabajo Social es una profesión que promueve el cambio social, la solución de problemas en las relaciones humanas  y fortalece el bienestar de la sociedad.

Oración 1:
    The principles of the Human rights and Social Justice are fundamental for the Social Work ".
Frase  Nominal: The principles of the Human rights and Social Justice
Núcleo  de la frase  nominal:  principles
Pre-modificadores: The
Post- modificadores: of the Human rights and Social Justice
Frase Verbal:  are fundamental for the Social Work ".
Nucleo:  are
Tiempo Verbal: presente
Oración 2:
The marginal work in its different expressions goes to the manifold and complex relations between the people and their atmospheres.
Frase  Nominal: The marginal work in its different expressions
Núcleo  de la frase  nominal:  work
Pre-modificadores: The marginal
Post- modificadores: in its different expressions
Frase Verbal:  Nucleo:  goes to the manifold and complex relations between the people and their atmospheres.
Tiempo Verbal:  pasado

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Ejercicio Unidad I

1-    Seleccione un texto relacionado con su investigación
A Disability May be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, or Some combination of Developmental these.
Disabilities is an umbrella term, Covering impairments, activity Limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure, an activity limitation is a Difficulty Encountered by an individual in executing a task or action, while a participation restriction is a problem by an individual in Experienced Involvement in life situations.
THUS is a complex disability phenomenon, an interaction entre Reflecting features of a persoon's body and features of the Society in Which I or she lives.
-World Health Organization 
An individual Qualify as May also disabled if he / she have an impairment in HAD or the past is seen as disabled based on a personal or groupstandard or norm . Such impairments include physical May, sensory , and cognitive or Developmental Disabilities . Mental disorders (Also known as psychiatric or psychosocial disability) and Various types of chronic disease as May Also Qualify Disabilities.
Some advocates object to Describing Un certain conditions (notably deafness and autism) as “disabilities”, Arguing That it is More Appropriate to Consider Them That Have Been Developmental Differences unfairly stigmatized by Society (citation needed)

Una discapacidad puede ser física, cognitiva, mental, sensorial, emocional, de desarrollo o alguna combinación de estos.
Discapacidad es un término genérico, cubriendo las deficiencias, limitaciones en la actividad y restricciones en la participación. Un deterioro es un problema en la función o estructura corporal, una limitación de la actividad es una dificultad que una persona en la ejecución de una tarea o acción, mientras que una restricción de la participación es un problema experimentado por un individuo en la participación en situaciones de la vida.
Así, la discapacidad es un fenómeno complejo, lo que refleja una interacción entre las características del cuerpo de una persona y las características de la sociedad en la que él o ella vive.
-Organización Mundial de la Salud 
Un individuo también puede calificar como discapacitado si él / ella ha tenido un deterioro en el pasado o es visto como discapacitados basado en una personal o de grupo estándar o norma . Tales deficiencias pueden ser físicos, sensoriales y cognitivas o discapacidades del desarrollo . Trastornos mentales (también conocido como discapacidad psiquiátrica y psicosocial) y varios tipos de enfermedades crónicas también pueden calificar como discapacidad.
Algunos se oponen a la descripción de los defensores de ciertas condiciones (en particular la sordera y el autismo ) como "discapacitados", argumentando que es más apropiado para considerar las diferencias de desarrollo que han sido injustamente estigmatizados por la sociedad. 
Una discapacidad puede ocurrir durante la vida de una persona o pueden estar presentes desde el nacimiento.

2-    Identifica tres palabras que no conoces

: No tiene traducción exacta {sust.} [anat.] rasgos {m pl} [anat.]
facciones {f pl} fisionomía {f} características {f pl} [fin.]

 disability {sust.} (también: mental handicap, physical handicap, incapacity)
3.- Idea Principal del texto:

La discapacidad es un fenómeno complejo, lo que refleja una interacción entre las características del cuerpo de una persona y las características de la sociedad en la que él o ella vive.

4.- Categorias Lexicales:
- Palabras de Contenido: sensory, emotional
- Palabras de Funcion: or, of
A (inglés) Una (español) , Articulo indefinido singular
The (ingles) La (español), Articulo definido singular
Verbo : is, have
Adverbio:  Unfairly ,  Notably
Adjetivo: physical, cognitive
Preposiciones: by, in
Conjuncion: or, and                                                                                               
Cognado Verdadero: restrictions, participation
Cognado Falso:  no se encuentra en el texto
 Sufijos: Covering
Prefijos :  Unfairly