Social work
El social work it is defined according to Federation the International of Social Workers and the Association the International of Schools of Trabajo Social (IASSW)as “the profession of social work promotes the change of articles of incorporation, the resolution of problems in the human relations and the fortification and the liberation of the town to increase the well-being. By means of the social use of theories on human behavior and systems, the social work takes part in the points in which the people interact with their surroundings. The principles of the Human rights and Social Justice are fundamental for the Social Work ".
The marginal work in its different expressions goes to the manifold and complex relations between the people and their atmospheres. Its mission is to facilitate that all the people develop their potentialities totally, enrich their lives and prevent the disfunciones. For that reason, and the professionals in social work, become agents of change in the society and the life of the people, families and communities for which work. The social work is a system integrated and dynamic of interrelated values, theory and practice.3
Idea Principal del texto:
El trabajo Social es una profesión que promueve el cambio social, la solución de problemas en las relaciones humanas y fortalece el bienestar de la sociedad.
Oración 1:
The principles of the Human rights and Social Justice are fundamental for the Social Work ".
Frase Nominal: The principles of the Human rights and Social Justice
Núcleo de la frase nominal: principles
Pre-modificadores: The
Post- modificadores: of the Human rights and Social Justice
Frase Verbal: are fundamental for the Social Work ".
Nucleo: are
Tiempo Verbal: presente
Oración 2:
The marginal work in its different expressions goes to the manifold and complex relations between the people and their atmospheres.
Frase Nominal: The marginal work in its different expressions
Núcleo de la frase nominal: work
Pre-modificadores: The marginal
Post- modificadores: in its different expressions
Frase Verbal: Nucleo: goes to the manifold and complex relations between the people and their atmospheres.
Tiempo Verbal: pasado
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